My Dad Had One of Those

Wooah this is the most sought after at the moment, and the good news is that these two books are now available on our service, would you like to read them in full ??

My Dad Had One of Those&image=

But before reading a little synopsis first, I will include it below ...


Good old Dad and his good old Dad's car. As solid and dependable as the man himself, if a little less balding, Dad's car was almost a member of the family, whisking you to exciting days out, or just to visit boring relatives in distant parts of the country to the chant of 'are we nearly there yet?' Like the man behind the wheel, Dad's car made you feel safe and secure, because it was as reassuring and sensible as he was. Maybe in an idle moment Dad dreamt of driving something rakish and fast, just like in idle moments he dreamt that your Mum was Twiggy, but the demands of family life meant soft tops, hard suspension and anything even remotely sporty were off the cards. Even anything less than four doors would have been wildly hedonistic. But although the family car may not have been the very essence of rock 'n' roll, Dad was proud of it.Spanning the 1950s to the '80s, this is a celebration of the heyday of the Dad car. From much loved family workhorses like the Ford Cortina and


And this is as detailed as the book ...


Author : Giles Chapman

Pages : 160 pages

Publisher : BBC Books

Language : eng

ISBN-10 : 0563539194

ISBN-13 : 9780563539193




Please visit the link below to read it ..




My Dad Had One of Those


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